Define your organization
Define your organization in Zeeg, add users, create teams, host collective events, and more.
Defining your organization in Zeeg is the prerequisite for creating your teams and some of the advanced integrations such as Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel.
1. Click on your name at the top right and select Your Organization.
2. Enter your Organization name and then click Next.
The organization owner can change the organization's name anytime.
Your organization is ready now, and you can start adding users to your organization.
You are automatically assigned the organization owner role when you create your organization. You can transfer the ownership to any of your organization's users, but an organization must always have an admin.
How to edit the organization’s name?
To edit the organization’s name, enter the new name in the Organization name box in the Profile tab. Then click on the Save button.
You can also upload the organization logo in this part.
How to delete the organization?
Click on the Delete tab on the left side of the page. Then, click on the Yes, delete organization button.
By clicking on this button, the whole organization, entire teams, and their scheduling pages will be deleted, and it would be impossible to restore the data.